I didn’t want to do it…

I didn’t want to do a blog like so many other photographers do but I finally succumbed to the self-indulgent, self-promoting, self-loving of it all because of the ease in which you can do it. I’m starting this blog to document an experiment I am doing this weekend, an internal walkabout of sorts. Inspired partly by Joseph Beuys (hence the title) and partly by Paris Hilton, I am locking myself in my apartment over the next two days in order to come to terms with this thing that lives inside me but which I can not see, that directs my life but I can not get a handle on, photography. Like Beuys, I am confronting this thing by living with it. Like Hilton, I hope to come out transformed. I too might suffer from claustrophobia. Though the subject to me is serious, I want the approach to be with a sense of humor. The writing will probably be atrocious because I am a photographer and not a writer and I am going to try not to edit my thoughts leaving it up to a stream of consciousness kind of blog which will be boring and self-absorbed but necessary. So why am I advertising it to the world on the internet? Mostly to not feel alone. There is no one here but me so I need to feel a connection to the outside world. Though I am not one for exhibitionism or attention-getting antics, I am exposing myself (even thoug it makes me want to hide my head under my sheets) in exchange for comfort. You might read this and think I’m the biggest loser in the world. I am willing risk that.

Take pictures throughout the day
Post pictures
write about it

Feel free to write me, critique me, send me good wishes or stop by my window to say hi.